Thursday, August 20, 2009

Gender, Law, & Justice; $500; December 1, 2009;

(hat tip: Idaho writing contest page)

from competition notice at the Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law, and Justice web site:


Call For Submissions

The Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law, and Justice, a continuation of the Berkeley Women’s Law Journal is pleased to invite students and public interest practitioners of all disciplines to submit articles for consideration. BGLJ publishes pieces that address the lives and struggles of underrepresented women. In particular, we seek submissions that examine the intersection of gender with one or more other axes of subordination including, but not limited to, race, class, sexual orientation, and disability.

The Award

The article selected for the award will be published in Volume 24-2 (Fall 2009) or 25-1 (Spring 2010), and its author will receive $500.

Deadline for Submissions

Articles must be received by December 1, 2009 in order to be considered.

Please Send Articles To:

Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice
ATTN: Writing Award Committee
38 West Wing
University of California, Berkeley
School of Law

Berkeley, CA 94720-7200

We also welcome the electronic submission of articles via email to

Please designate "Writing Award" in the subject line.


Image from wikipedia article on "gender"