Monday, August 31, 2009
Bioethics, $1,000 - $500 -- $250 -- January 11, 2010 deadline -- 5,000 words
American College of Legal Medicine offers two competitions that are open to law students; students are eligible to compete in one of the competitions.
Bioethics offers a first place prize of $1,000, plus travel and lodging to the ACLM annual meeting in Orlando, Florida.
5,000 words; January 11, 2010 deadline.
Complete competition details appear here (pdf)
Prior competition winners appear here (html)
Legal medicine, Letourneau Award $1,000 - 5,000 words -- January 11, 2010 deadline
January 11, 2010 deadline - $1,000 - American College of Legal Medicine's 2010 Competition in Legal Medicine
The Letourneau Award, to a law student; 5,000 words
Complete competition instructions: here (pdf)
Deadline: January 11, 2010
Prior awards appear: here (html).
Journal of Land Use & Environmental Law
Florida State University College of Law
Journal of Land Use & Environmental Law
From the Journal's web site:
The Journal is pleased to receive for consideration articles from authors in any discipline. The Journal also welcomes articles from students at any college of law or graduate school. Authors are encouraged to submit their articles via e-mail in Microsoft Word or by mail on a CD or disk. All submissions should be in general conformity with A Uniform System of Citation (18th ed. 2005). Manuscripts submitted without sufficient postage cannot be returned.
All correspondence should be addressed to the Journal of Land Use & Environmental Law, Florida State Law, Tallahassee, FL 32306-1601. Manuscripts should be directed to the office manager. Advertising and business matters should also be directed to the office manager. The Journal may be contacted by telephone at 850.644.7781.
Selected Article Titles from Current Issue Fall 2009
Europe, The United States, and The Global Climate Regime: All Together Now?
Taking Public Interests in Private Property Seriously: How the Supreme Court Short-Changes Public Property Rights in Regulatory Takings Cases
Tort-Based Climate Change Litigation and the Political Question Doctrine
Selected Article Titles from Spring 2008 Issue
*Chop Wood, Carry Water: Cutting to the Heart of the World's Water Woes
*Ecosystem Services, the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, and the Conceptual Difference Between Benefits Provided by Ecosystems and Benefits Provided by People
*Uses of Subjective Well-Being in Local Economic and Land Use Policy
Image: Will Simpson, Aerial Photography -- fall, crop, pattern
Sunday, August 30, 2009
The Green Bag: "law-related, well-written, and short"
The Green Bag inspires a pithy notice:
"Submit an article: We ... welcome anything law-related, well-written, and short (no more than 5,000 words, no more than 50 footnotes). If you have something good, please email it to us."
Green Bag web site
from Wikipedia, image and commentary:
The Green Bag is frequently irreverent. For the past several years, subscribers have received each year a bobblehead doll depicting a Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Boston University Public Interest Law Journal - call for unsolicited manuscripts
The Boston University Public Interest Law Journal publishes a range of topics and invites unsolicited manuscripts.
For an idea about potential topics, see the journal's archives, which includes live links to many published articles, from the past several years.
The Journal's Submission Instructions are reprinted below:
Submission Instructions
The Public Interest Law Journal invites the submission of unsolicited manuscripts. Submissions may include previously unpublished articles, essays, case notes, book reviews and commentaries on topics related to public interest law, such as Constitutional Law, Criminal Law and Family Law issues, as well as legal ethics, the environment, education and civil rights. The editors broadly define these areas, though they are particularly interested in submissions which combine theory with practical application. The Journal is interdisciplinary and contributions from non-lawyers are encouraged. If any portion of a manuscript has been previously published, the author should so indicate. In addition, the author should include his or her credentials, including full name, degrees earned, academic or professional affiliations and citations to all previously published legal articles. The Journal accepts both hardcopy and electronic submissions; however, electronic submissions are preferred.
Electronic Submissions
We accept submissions via Express0 or via email at
Hardcopy Submissions
Mail hardcopy submissions to:
Boston University Public Interest Law Journal
765 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, MA 02215
Send manuscripts double-spaced and typewritten on one side per page, with one-inch margins. Footnotes should conform to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (18th ed.), published and distributed by Harvard Law Review Association, Gannett House, Cambridge, MA 02138.
For further information, contact the Journal office at 617.353.7255.
Image, wikipedia, Boston University Law Tower
Thursday, August 27, 2009
ABA Communications Lawyer - Call for Manuscripts
(The Grammy Competition generates much interest. It is likely that some article ideas submitted to that competition would be appropriate for this journal.)
The Communications Lawyer, a quarterly newsletter of the ABA Forum on Communications Law, invites 25-30 page articles of between 5,000 and 7,500 words (and has stated an interested in shorter articles, depending on the topic).
The topics focus on communications and media law.
Directly from "Guidelines for Authors" at the Communications Lawyer website:
Style . The writing should be appropriate for a law review article. To that end, authors should
* Use gender-neutral language
* Avoid long quotations
* Avoid excess verbiage
* Avoid using a long word when a short one will do
* Avoid using a foreign phrase, scientific word, or jargon if you can think of a more common English equivalent
* Avoid overworked figures of speech
* Avoid excessive capitalization
* Avoid excessive use of commas
Footnotes . All references must be completely and accurately cited, using the citation style of The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation, Eighteenth Edition.
Author Biography. Please include a one-sentence description of your current professional affiliation, including your title, organization, mailing (both USPS and e-mail) addresses, and telephone number.
For additional details, click here.
July 2009 titles include:
Carpool Lanes on the Internet: Effective Network Management
Shielding Jane and John: Can the Media Protect Anonymous Online Speech?
Can Intentional or Knowingly Reckless Misuse of Copyrighted Material Be Considered "Fair Use?"
My Grandfather Went to Jail for Criminal Libel and We're Proud of It
How Far Can You Go in Your Cross of the Plaintiff?
image, wikipedia, TeslaThinker, in front of the spiral coil of his high-voltage transformer at East Houston St., New York City. See also: Tesla Wireless Power (1891)
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Administrative Law Review - Recent Developments Section - Call for Papers
The Administrative Law Review has posted an open call for submissions to its "Recent Developments" section. From the Administrative Law Review website:
NOW ACCEPTING Recent Developments Submissions
The Administrative Law Review is accepting submissions to be considered for publication in the Recent Developments section. Papers should report new, exciting events in administrative law and regulatory practice. Topics may encompass recent events, decisions, or emerging trends which have the potential to change the face and practice of administrative law. The Recent Developments section is intended to update our readership on the latest developments of administrative law and spur discussion within the industry with concise, topical pieces.
Please send submission inquiries to:
Senior Recent Developments Editor
Administrative Law Review
American University Washington College of Law
4801 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Suite 623
Washington, D.C. 20016
Topics that have been published in previous editions include:
OCC Interprets the National Bank Act to Permit Banks to Own Hotels and Windmills
Michael S. Edwards
Lee v. Minner: The End of Non-Citizen Exclusions in State Freedom of Information Laws?
Kushal R. Desai
Public Controversy over Peer Review
Sarah Grimmer
VoIP on Tap: Whether the FCC Should Apply Wiretapping Standards to Voice Over Internet Protocol
Joshua E. Adrian
Click here, for a menu of titles in back issues, many of which include abstracts that set out a good overview of what administrative commentary might entail.
For a sample abstract, see:
(pdf) Tort Reform By Regulation: The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Attempts to Preempt State-Tort Lawsuits with Its Proposed Roof-Strength Regulation
Rob Ammons
David George
Image, wikipedia, Federal Trade Commission Apex Building
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Gender, Law, & Justice; $500; December 1, 2009;
(hat tip: Idaho writing contest page)
from competition notice at the Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law, and Justice web site:
Call For Submissions
The Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law, and Justice, a continuation of the Berkeley Women’s Law Journal is pleased to invite students and public interest practitioners of all disciplines to submit articles for consideration. BGLJ publishes pieces that address the lives and struggles of underrepresented women. In particular, we seek submissions that examine the intersection of gender with one or more other axes of subordination including, but not limited to, race, class, sexual orientation, and disability.
The Award
The article selected for the award will be published in Volume 24-2 (Fall 2009) or 25-1 (Spring 2010), and its author will receive $500.
Deadline for Submissions
Articles must be received by December 1, 2009 in order to be considered.
Please Send Articles To:
Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice
ATTN: Writing Award Committee
38 West Wing
University of California, Berkeley
School of Law
Berkeley, CA 94720-7200
We also welcome the electronic submission of articles via email to
Please designate "Writing Award" in the subject line.
Image from wikipedia article on "gender"
from competition notice at the Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law, and Justice web site:
Call For Submissions
The Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law, and Justice, a continuation of the Berkeley Women’s Law Journal is pleased to invite students and public interest practitioners of all disciplines to submit articles for consideration. BGLJ publishes pieces that address the lives and struggles of underrepresented women. In particular, we seek submissions that examine the intersection of gender with one or more other axes of subordination including, but not limited to, race, class, sexual orientation, and disability.
The Award
The article selected for the award will be published in Volume 24-2 (Fall 2009) or 25-1 (Spring 2010), and its author will receive $500.
Deadline for Submissions
Articles must be received by December 1, 2009 in order to be considered.
Please Send Articles To:
Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice
ATTN: Writing Award Committee
38 West Wing
University of California, Berkeley
School of Law
Berkeley, CA 94720-7200
We also welcome the electronic submission of articles via email to
Please designate "Writing Award" in the subject line.
Image from wikipedia article on "gender"
Monday, August 17, 2009
Unsolicited Student Manuscripts to Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy
Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy
CJIELP welcomes the unsolicited submission of articles, as well as student notes, book reviews, and comments.
Most accepted articles are between 35 and 75 double-spaced manuscript pages, in twelve point type. Papers longer than 125 pages will generally not be considered. Longer articles may be edited to meet publication requirements.
The preliminary review process takes about two weeks.
For more details: CJIELP Web site
Image: wikipedia, Earth by Apollo17
Thursday, August 13, 2009
International Law; November 14, 2009; $2,000; J.D., LLM., PhD, S.J.D. Students
I blogged an international competition last week, sponsored by the State Bar of New York. This one, sponsored by the international section of the State Bar of California has a deadine of November 14, 2009. (Another hat tip to the University of Idaho writing competition site.)
This California competition favors seminar papers:
The paper may be specifically prepared for this contest or based on a paper submitted in a class, seminar, or as an independent study program. The paper should, however, be the original work of the submitting student without substantial editorial input from others. The article should not be a “law review” article.
First Place Prize: $2,000.00
Second Place Prize: $750.00
Third Place Prize: $250.00
All winning articles will be submitted for publication to the The California International Law Journal
Last year's winners:
- First Place Winner: The Legal Implications of Nearshore Outsourcing to Mexico, Renee Dopplick
- Second Place Winner: GOING PUBLIC: The Prosecution of Rape Under International Law and its Effect on the Public-Private Divide, Liane Aronchick
- Third Place Winner: Body Snatchers: Transnational Organ and Tissue Trafficking, Kathryn G. Reid
Image, wikipedia
More information here (pdf)
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Air & Space Law; October 2, 2009; $3,000 - travel - potential publication
The Air and Space Law Competition provides suggested topics, making thesis development a fairly straightforward process. For example, here are two of this year's topics for an October 2, 2009 deadline:
3. Whether the Environmental Protection Agency has the authority to regulate the greenhouse gas emissions of aircraft.
4. Whether the Transportation Security Administration is exceeding its authority to regulate security at our nation's airports.
Length: 4000 words, including endnotes.
Additional topics are available here: 2009 Air and Space Competition Topics (pdf)
The competition guidelines appear here: 2009 Air and Space Competition Guidelines (pdf)
For more information about the ABA Forum on Air and Space Law:
Image: air and space over Fayetteville, Arkansas, Joyce Boulevard, around 8:30 p.m., 081109
Monday, August 10, 2009
One-L; current students and recent grads (2006 or later); $500; October 23, 2009
The UMKC One-L contest appears earlier in this blog, but it's an interesting angle, and wide open both to a range of people and with regard to the narrative format that's the focal point. So, the notice is worth repeating.
From the UMKC Law Review web site:
We invite current law students and recent graduates (2006 or later) to submit stories. Winning submission(s) will be published in the Spring 2010 issue of the UMKC Law Review, and the first place winner will receive a $500 prize.
• Non-fiction stories about the first year experience
• 1,000 - 5,000 words, including footnotes
• Footnotes are discouraged—we are looking for stories, not conventional law review articles or notes
• Open to current law student s and recently graduated law students (2006 or after)
• Send to with “Law Stories Submission” in subject line
• MS Word or PDF formats only
• Submission deadline October 23, 2009
More information at UMKC Law Review.
Image JC Nichols Fountain, Country Club Plaza, Kansas City, from Wikipedia
Sunday, August 9, 2009
International Law; December 4, 2009; $2,000 and Publication; open to J.D., LL.M, Ph.D, S.J.D. candidates
Albert S. Pergam International Law Writing Competition Award
Law students (including J.D., LL.M., Ph.D. and S.J.D. candidates) are cordially invited to submit an entry. Entries will be judges on a variety of factors including significance and timeliness of the subject matter, thoroughness of research and analysis, and clarity of writing style.
Please provide your permanent address, daytime phone number and social security number.
Prize Awarded: $2,000 and publication of the article (subject to editorial approval) in aforementioned publications.
More information: New York State Bar Association web site.
Hat tip: UIdaho Writing Competitions page
Image: wikipedia
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