(The Grammy Competition generates much interest. It is likely that some article ideas submitted to that competition would be appropriate for this journal.)The Communications Lawyer, a quarterly newsletter of the ABA Forum on Communications Law, invites 25-30 page articles of between 5,000 and 7,500 words (and has stated an interested in shorter articles, depending on the topic).
The topics focus on communications and media law.
Directly from
"Guidelines for Authors" at the Communications Lawyer website:
Style . The writing should be appropriate for a law review article. To that end, authors should
* Use gender-neutral language
* Avoid long quotations
* Avoid excess verbiage
* Avoid using a long word when a short one will do
* Avoid using a foreign phrase, scientific word, or jargon if you can think of a more common English equivalent
* Avoid overworked figures of speech
* Avoid excessive capitalization
* Avoid excessive use of commas
Footnotes . All references must be completely and accurately cited, using the citation style of The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation, Eighteenth Edition.
Author Biography. Please include a one-sentence description of your current professional affiliation, including your title, organization, mailing (both USPS and e-mail) addresses, and telephone number.
For additional details,
click here.
July 2009 titles include:
Carpool Lanes on the Internet: Effective Network Management
Shielding Jane and John: Can the Media Protect Anonymous Online Speech?
Can Intentional or Knowingly Reckless Misuse of Copyrighted Material Be Considered "Fair Use?"
My Grandfather Went to Jail for Criminal Libel and We're Proud of It
How Far Can You Go in Your Cross of the Plaintiff?
image, wikipedia,
TeslaThinker, in front of the spiral coil of his high-voltage transformer at East Houston St., New York City. See also:
Tesla Wireless Power (1891)