The Health Law Section is pleased to announce the 7th Annual Law Student Writing Competition. The winner will be introduced at the Section's Emerging Issues in Healthcare Law conference February 19 – 20, 2009 in Orlando, Florida. The award will include publication in The Health Lawyer; a $500 honorarium, and airfare (at ABA rates), hotel for two nights and a $50 per diem for two days to attend the Emerging Issues conference. A second place winner may be named if deemed appropriate.
The second place winner will also be published in The Health Lawyer. No cash or travel award will be presented to the second place winner.
The format should be in the Harvard "Blue Book" style. Papers should be a minimum of 25 pages double spaced and a maximum of 50 pages. It needs to be an original work with no third party(ies) to substantially edit or collaborate in the writing of the paper.
Full competition guidelines appear here: ABA Health Law Writing Competition (pdf)