From the featured journal website:
The Buffalo Human Rights Law Review welcomes unsolicited manuscripts. The BHRLR annually publishes articles, book reviews, comments, and notes relevant to the contemporary protection of human rights. We particularly value submissions that offer interdisciplinary legal analyses of human rights issues. Articles accepted for publication will identify a compelling thesis, support that thesis with thorough argument and evidence, and offer constructive analysis and research that advances understanding of human rights law.
Submission Guidelines
The Buffalo Human Rights Law Review focuses on any issues concerning human rights, including topics that apply an interdisciplinary approach. The Editorial Board welcomes interested authors to submit their original manuscripts either to our email address at, the Buffalo Human Rights Law Reviews Expresso account at or to:
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University at Buffalo Law School
Buffalo, NY 14260
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Please accompany your submissions with the following:
- Cover Letter (separate from the e-mail)
- Article (in MS Word format)
- Curriculum Vitae/Resume
Also, for electronic submissions, please include the title of your submission and the authors name in the subject line of the submission email:
- "Article Submission: [Author name]" for articles;
- "Essay Submission: [Author name]" for essays; or
- "Book Review Submission: [Author name]" for book review.
The BHRLR makes publication decisions on a rolling basis. Please expect email confirmation when your article is received, and email notification of final publication decisions when decisions are reached. Most publication decisions are reached within two months of receipt.
Image: Magna Carta, from Wikipedia which also includes this discussion:
Many documents form Magna Carta
The document commonly known as Magna Carta today is not the 1215 charter, but a later charter of 1225, and is usually shown in the form of the Charter of 1297 when it was confirmed by Edward I. At the time of the 1215 charter, many of the provisions were not meant to make long-term changes but simply to right some immediate wrongs; therefore, the Charter was reissued three times in the reign of Henry III (1216, 1217 and 1225). After this, each king for the next two hundred years (until Henry V in 1416) personally confirmed the 1225 charter in his own charter. It should not be thought of as one document but rather a variety of documents coming together to form one Magna Carta, in the same way as the treaties of Rome and Nice (among others) come together to form the treaties of the European Union and the European Community.
The document was unsigned
Popular perception is that King John and the barons signed Magna Carta. There were no signatures on the original document, however, only a single seal placed by the king. The words of the charter--Data per manum nostram--signify that the document was personally given by the king's hand. By placing his seal on the document, the King and the barons followed common law that a seal was sufficient to authenticate a deed, though it had to be done in front of witnesses. John's seal was the only one, and he did not sign it. The barons neither signed nor attached their seals to it.[FN]
The document is also honoured in America, where it is an antecedent of the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights. The United States has contributed the Runnymede Memorial and Lincoln Cathedral offers a Magna Carta Week.[FN] The UK lent one of the four remaining copies of Magna Carta to the U.S. for its bicentennial celebrations and donated a gold copy which is displayed in the U.S. National Archives Building in Washington, D.C.[FN]