Thursday, July 16, 2009

Family Court Review, Invitation to Potential Authors

I like the expansive descriptions of possible scholarly works that appear on the Family Court Review's website. It's a journal at Hofstra University School of Law, and its web site is a good place to consider several different writing formats: Family Court Review.

A sampling, from the several discussions of scholarly vehicles, is reprinted below:

Invitation to Potential Authors

Family Court Review (FCR) invites articles concerned with all aspects of family law, family courts, and the resolution of family disputes. Articles are welcomed on topics such as divorce and separation, child custody, child abuse and neglect, domestic violence, adoption, termination of parental rights, juvenile delinquency, status offenses, unified family courts, problem solving family courts, any other aspect of family court organization, professional ethics and standards of practice of lawyers, judges, mental health professionals, lawyers for parents and children and mediators involved in family dispute resolution, therapeutic justice, domestic violence amongst family members, gender issues in family law, court-affiliated family education programs, conciliation, mediation, alternative dispute resolution, expert evaluation, arbitration, juvenile dependency, guardianships, probate conservatorships, elder abuse, and collaborative law, as are articles about strengthening and preservation of family life. International perspectives on these topics are strongly encouraged. FCR is an interdisciplinary journal and invites contributions from the fields of law, court administration, mental health, medicine, the behavioral and social sciences, dispute resolution, education, public policy, and other disciplines concerned with the welfare of children and families.

Family Court Review

Image: St. George's Church; Hempstead, New York (from wikipedia article)