Friday, January 16, 2009
International Law, Sports Law, Legal Ethics - International Distinction -- March 12, 2009 deadline
The contents of this notice appear at: IABA (pdf)
International Legal Award
ISDE and IABA announce:
The International Legal Award for the investigation and study of Law in the following fields:
- International Law (Public or Private)
- Sports Law
- The Ethic of Lawyers
The award can be applied by Law graduates in the member states of the IABA or graduates of other nonmember states of the IABA if they are individual members of this Organization; and graduates who are registered or graduated in postgraduate Master Degrees of ISDE.
Regarding the essays
The essays shall be written in Spanish, English or French. They shall be original and unpublished and dealing with one of the topics specified in the first term.
The essays shall be compound of a minimum equivalent to 20 pages and a maximum of 125 (DIN A4). The size of the print will be of 12 points, line-spacing 1.5. They shall be written in Word format and handed in with a hard disk/ cd, even though they can also be handed in with hard copy.
People who are interested in opting to this award shall send their candidature by one of the following methods:
a) By registered mail or courier, to the Secretary of the Jury of INTERNATIONAL LEGAL AWARDS ISDE-IABA 2009 (C/Recoletos nÂș6, 28001, Madrid)
b) By electronic mail , to the address
Formal requirements
Each candidacy will consist of:
a) A letter of the candidate, addressed to the President of the Jury, in which it will be, clearly specified the field of the award chosen.
b) A note with the full name of the candidate, professional address, law firm to which the person belongs, telephone/fax numbers and email address.
c) The Secretary of the “INTERNATIONAL LEGAL AWARDS ISDE-IABA 2009” will be able to request to the candidates the explanations, information or the complementary documents which it considers necessary for the best evaluation by the Jury.
Every candidacy received in the Secretary of the “INTERNATIONAL LEGAL AWARDS ISDE-IABA 2009” in the address specified in the point 3.1, before 18:00 hours (Spanish time) of the day 12 of February 2009 will participate in the present announcement.
In the announcement of the year 2009, the Awards will be awarded by a Jury integrated by two representatives of each of the entities which announce the Award. They will be able to invite other important figures to take part of the Jury. In the assembly to decide the Award, a President and a Secretary will be elected.
Aspects to be evaluated by the Jury
- The Jury will evaluate that the subject is developed from a legal, doctrinal and jurisprudential perspective.
- Furthermore, the comparative study of the institution developed, with regard to other legislations, will be evaluated.
- The summary capabilities of the participant, his exposition system and the complexity of the subject selected.
Communication and spreading of the decision
The decision of the Jury will be known during a gala, in which the awards will be presented. Only the winners will be acknowledged, and complete confidentiality will be granted to the rest of the candidates.
Granting of the Awards
The awards will be presented in a gala celebrated in the city of Madrid the 12 of March of 2009.
Image: wikipedia (from Madrid, Spain)