Friday, January 30, 2009
Grammy Competition Winners Announced
It's exciting to watch the Grammy Competitions. The winners were announced today at this url:
Winner Paper Title
David A. McGill — University of Richmond School of Law "New Year, New Catch-22: Why The RIAA's Proposed Partnership With ISPs Will Not Significantly Decrease The Prevalence Of P2P Music File Sharing"
Nakimuli Davis — University of Mississippi School of Law "Reselling Digital Music: Is There a Digital First Sale Doctrine?"
Tim Kappel — Loyola University New Orleans "Ex Ante Crowdfunding and The Recording Industry: A Model For The U.S.?"
Joseph Merante — New York Law School "A Role In The Remedy: Finding a Place For ISPs In The Digital Music World"
Kimberly L. Sweet — University at Buffalo School of Law "One Problem Solved, Another Created? The European Commission's Struggles With Fostering Competition In The Market For Pan-European Licenses Of Musical Works"
Image: after the ice storm; sturdy trees still standing
$3,000; $1,500; $1,000 -- Civil Criminal use of Remote Electronic Devices - June 1, 2009 deadline
$3,000; $1,500; $1,000 -- Civil Criminal use of Remote Electronic Devices -- June 1, 2009 deadline
The American Judges Association sponsors this competition, provides a thesis "The Admissibility of Evidence in Civil and Criminal Proceedings Obtained from Remote Electronic Devices: e.g., red light cameras, speed cameras and black boxes" and provides generous cash prizes.
Check out its site at or print out the image associated with this blog for detailed contest information.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Civil Litigation Research, $5,000 - $20,000; priority application deadline February 28, 2009
Funding for Civil Litigation Research
The ABA Section of Litigation invites applications to The Litigation Research Fund which makes individual awards of between $5,000 and
$20,000 to support original and practical scholarly work that significantly advances the understanding of civil litigation in the United States. The Fund was established in 2007 to support research and writing projects relevant to litigation policy and practice, with preference given to works with an empirical foundation. The first two rounds of funding resulted in thirteen grants totaling approximately
$140,000. Priority will be given to applications received by February 28, 2009. For additional information, see
Monday, January 19, 2009
Winning Essays
This blog entry will be revised from time to time as winners are announced for the various competitions and as the editor reviews prior announcement information.
Please email this blog editor at if you have primary information and an internet link to a competition that has ended for 2008-09.
Projected announcement dates, and sponsoring institutions:
January 30, 2009, Grammy Foundation Entertainment Law Initiative
February 27-March 1, 2009, American College of Legal Medicine
April 2009, American College of Consumer Financial Services Lawyers
December 1, 2009, Tannewald Foundation Excellence in Tax Scholarship
Image: Norma Lea Beasley Entrance Hall, University of Arkansas School of Law, January 18, 2009.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
$1,500 Employee Benefits; Deadline May 31, 2009
$1,500 Employee Benefits; Deadline May 31, 2009
SUBJECT: Any topic in the field of employee benefits law.
OPEN TO: All J.D. and graduate (L.L.M. or S.J.D) law students
SUBMIT BY: May 31, 2009
PRIZES: Clarin M. Schwartz Memorial Award $1,500
Sidney M. Perlstadt Memorial Award $1,500
Each winner will also receive an employee benefits treatise published by BNA Books. If deemed suitable by the editors, one or more of the winning papers will be published by the BNA Pension Benefits Reporter or in the BNA Tax Management Compensation Planning Journal. The winning will also be distributed to the Fellows of the American College of Employee Benefits Counsel, experienced attorneys that have made significant contributions to the advancement of the benefits field in a wide range of practice settings including law and consulting firms, universities, unions, advocacy organizations and government agencies throughout the United States.
Eligibility/topics. Employee benefits papers written by full or part-time law school students (seekinga J.D. or a graduate law degree such as an L.L.M. or S.J.D.) enrolled at anytime between August 15,2008 and August 15, 2009 are eligible. Topics might include any legal issues related to employee benefits.For example, eligible submissions could address legal issues involving health benefits, pensions, 401(k) plans, severance, executive compensation, claims, appeals, current or former spouses' or domesticpartners' benefits, collectively-bargained benefits, benefits in bankruptcy, ERISA benefits litigation, fiduciary obligations or the tax treatment of benefits or contributions.
a. Papers submitted should not exceed 40 pages (double-spaced, in 12 point type, with an inch margin on each side), not including footnotes. Footnotes should be single spaced starting on a separate page at the end of the document.
b. The text of the paper should not include information identifying the author or law school in the paper.
c. Submissions may include papers prepared for class assignments, law journals or other purposes, as well as those written especially for the Competition.
d. Student papers submitted for publication in law reviews or other law school journals or periodicals but not yet published are eligible for the Competition, provided that (i) the version submitted for the Competition does not reflect any changes made to the paper after submission of the manuscript to any publication and (ii) the College receives any consents necessary to publish.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
$2,000, $750, $500 Law and Technology -- February 28, 2009
The content of this notice appears at the web site of the Berkeley Technology Law Journal.
Spring 2009 Writing Competition
The Berkeley Technology Law Journal is soliciting entries for our annual student writing competition. We will accept submissions from JD candidates on a wide variety of topics at the intersection of law and technology, including but not limited to: intellectual property, antitrust, First Amendment, entertainment and new media, telecommunications, biotechnology, internet, and cybercrime. First prize .... $2,000. The winning article will also be published in the Fall 2009 issue if it meets the Journal’s publication standards. The submission deadline is February 28, 2009.
For more information, please see the Writing Competition Poster (400kb PDF) and the Submission Coversheet (120kb Word Document).
Titles of last year's winning submissions:
School Administrators as Cyber Censors: Cyber Speech and First Amendment Rights
Betting on Prohibition: The Federal Government’s Approach to Internet Gambling (University of Houston entrant)
First Amendment Rights In “Copyright-Like” Protections: Pushing The Traditional Contours Of Copyright Law
Image: wikipedia, Boalt Hall and the San Francisco Bay
Friday, January 16, 2009
International Law, Sports Law, Legal Ethics - International Distinction -- March 12, 2009 deadline
The contents of this notice appear at: IABA (pdf)
International Legal Award
ISDE and IABA announce:
The International Legal Award for the investigation and study of Law in the following fields:
- International Law (Public or Private)
- Sports Law
- The Ethic of Lawyers
The award can be applied by Law graduates in the member states of the IABA or graduates of other nonmember states of the IABA if they are individual members of this Organization; and graduates who are registered or graduated in postgraduate Master Degrees of ISDE.
Regarding the essays
The essays shall be written in Spanish, English or French. They shall be original and unpublished and dealing with one of the topics specified in the first term.
The essays shall be compound of a minimum equivalent to 20 pages and a maximum of 125 (DIN A4). The size of the print will be of 12 points, line-spacing 1.5. They shall be written in Word format and handed in with a hard disk/ cd, even though they can also be handed in with hard copy.
People who are interested in opting to this award shall send their candidature by one of the following methods:
a) By registered mail or courier, to the Secretary of the Jury of INTERNATIONAL LEGAL AWARDS ISDE-IABA 2009 (C/Recoletos nÂș6, 28001, Madrid)
b) By electronic mail , to the address
Formal requirements
Each candidacy will consist of:
a) A letter of the candidate, addressed to the President of the Jury, in which it will be, clearly specified the field of the award chosen.
b) A note with the full name of the candidate, professional address, law firm to which the person belongs, telephone/fax numbers and email address.
c) The Secretary of the “INTERNATIONAL LEGAL AWARDS ISDE-IABA 2009” will be able to request to the candidates the explanations, information or the complementary documents which it considers necessary for the best evaluation by the Jury.
Every candidacy received in the Secretary of the “INTERNATIONAL LEGAL AWARDS ISDE-IABA 2009” in the address specified in the point 3.1, before 18:00 hours (Spanish time) of the day 12 of February 2009 will participate in the present announcement.
In the announcement of the year 2009, the Awards will be awarded by a Jury integrated by two representatives of each of the entities which announce the Award. They will be able to invite other important figures to take part of the Jury. In the assembly to decide the Award, a President and a Secretary will be elected.
Aspects to be evaluated by the Jury
- The Jury will evaluate that the subject is developed from a legal, doctrinal and jurisprudential perspective.
- Furthermore, the comparative study of the institution developed, with regard to other legislations, will be evaluated.
- The summary capabilities of the participant, his exposition system and the complexity of the subject selected.
Communication and spreading of the decision
The decision of the Jury will be known during a gala, in which the awards will be presented. Only the winners will be acknowledged, and complete confidentiality will be granted to the rest of the candidates.
Granting of the Awards
The awards will be presented in a gala celebrated in the city of Madrid the 12 of March of 2009.
Image: wikipedia (from Madrid, Spain)
Administrative/Constitutional Law $500 and travel to D.C. -- March 31, 2009 deadline
The information contained in this notice appears at: the ABA Section on Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice website
Administrative/Constitutional Law $500 and travel to D.C. -- March 31, 2009 deadline
Topic: Discuss a problem or issue arising at the intersection of constitutional and administrative law, federal or state.
Eligibility: The competition is open to currently enrolled students of ABA accredited law schools who are also members of the ABA Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice. The essay must be the student’s original, unpublished work. The paper may be prepared to satisfy a course requirement or for other academic credit. However, the essay must be the work of the submitting student without substantial editorial input from others. Co-authored papers are ineligible. Only one essay may be submitted per entrant.
Format: Essays must not exceed 12 pages, including title, citations, and any footnotes. The text of the essay must be double-spaced, with twelve-point font and one-inch margins. Entries should reflect the style of Administrative Law News articles rather than law review style. Entrants are encouraged to review past copies of the News available at - prior to drafting their submissions. Citations must be embedded in text or in footnote form; essays with endnotes will be disqualified. Cites must conform with the 18 th Edition of The Bluebook: Uniform System of Citation.
ENTRY PROCEDURE: Each submission must include a SEPARATE COVER PAGE with the entrant’s name, law school, year of study, mailing and email address, and phone number. The contestant’s name and other identifying markings, such as school name, MAY NOT appear on any copy of the submitted essay.
Submissions must be postmarked no later than March 31, 2009 and mailed to: American Bar Association, Admin Law Essay Competition, 740 15th Street NW, Suite 900, Washington, D.C. 20005; or sent via email to
Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice staff will assign a random number to each entry and record this number on all copies of each essay submitted. Neither the contestant’s identity nor his/her academic institution will be known to the selection committee.
By submitting an entry in this contest, the entrant grants the ABA and the ABA Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice permission to edit and publish the entry in the Administrative Law News. Please direct any questions about the contest to the Section Staff Director at
PRIZE: The winner will receive a $500 cash prize and round-trip airfare and accommodation to attend the Section’s Fall Conference in Washington, DC. At the discretion of the editorial board, the winning entry will be selected for publication in Administrative and Regulatory Law News.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
$5,000 Professionalism and Civility June 15, 2009
$5,000 professionalism and civility
American Inns of Court
Deadline: June 15, 2009
Application materials appear at this pdf location.
The author should address one or more aspects of legal excellence, civility, ethics or professionalism within the legal profession. The selected issue(s) should be of contemporary significance with clear relevance to the legal community at large.
Deadline for submission of materials: June 15, 2009
Announcement of winner: September 1, 2009
Presentation: October 17, 2009 at the Celebration of Excellence in Washington, DC
Submissions must be original and unpublished works of 10,000 – 25,000 words including footnotes.
Either independent or collaborative submissions are allowed. All participants in drafting the final submission must be designated as co-authors. Research assistants shall be acknowledged by name in an appropriate footnote.
Each author or co-author may participate in only one entry per year.
A complete submission will include a completed cover page, one original copy of the paper, and 3.5” diskette or CD containing both the cover page information and paper in Microsoft Word or Corel Word Perfect format for PC. Incomplete submissions will not be considered.
Submissions shall not be stapled or bound. A single binder clip should secure the cover page and the article.
Application materials appear at this pdf location.
$2,000 Appellate Practice -- July 10, 2009 deadline
[This notice is excerpted from the public notice for The Eisenberg Prize]
$2,000 Appellate Practice -- July 10, 2009 deadline
For best article on appellate practice and procedure published
between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009 as determined by
The American Academy of Appellate Lawyers.
The prize will be awarded at the October 2009 meeting of the AAAL.
The American Academy of Appellate Lawyers, a professional organization of selected lawyers who specialize in appellate practice, sponsors an award named for the late Howard B. Eisenberg, Dean of the Marquette University Law School and an early member of the AAAL. The purpose of the award is to encourage publication of high-quality articles in the field of appellate practice and procedure.
Those who would like to enter an article in the 2008-2009 competition should send it to the American Academy of Appellate Lawyers, 9707 Key West Avenue, Suite 100, Rockville, MD 20850 or by email, with a post mark or email date no later than July 10, 2009.
For further information, you may call the Academy office at (301) 258-9210.
Winning titles from previous years include:
1) Appellate Courts, Historical Facts, and the Civil-Criminal Distinction, 57 VAND. L. REV. 437 (2004).
2) Irregulars: The Appellate Rights of Persons Who Are Not Full-Fledged Parties, 39 GA. L. REV. 411 (2005).
3) The Supreme Court and the DIG: An Empirical and Institutional Analysis, 2005 WIS. L. REV. 1421.
Copies of these entries appear, here.
image: wikipedia, Iowa State Capitol in 2003..
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Food and Drug Law; $4,000 (2) and $1,000 (2); deadline June 12, 2009
Food and Drug Law; $4,000 (2) and $1,000 (2); deadline June 12, 2009
[This notice is comprised of excerpts from]
The Food and Drug Law Institute
2009 Writing Competitions
H. Thomas Austern Memorial Writing Competitions for Law Students
The Competitions
The Food and Drug Law Institute (FDLI) sponsors the Writing Competitions to encourage law students interested in the areas of law that affect foods, drugs, devices, cosmetics, and biologics. Winning papers will be considered for publication in the Food and Drug Law Journal.
There are two competitions – one for papers with a maximum of 40 pages, and one for papers between 41 and 100 pages. Papers longer than 100 pages will not be accepted.
Titles of 2008 winning essays:
Short Paper Competition (< style="font-style: italic;">Direct Final Rulemaking in the FDA: Lessons from the First Decade
Second Place
Pathways To Patents: Applying the Written Description Requirement Doctrine
To Patents On Biological Pathways
Long Paper Competition (40-100 pages)
First Place
FDA’s Proposed Regulations to Expand Access to Investigational Drugs for Treatment Use: The Status Quo in the Guise of Reform
Second Place
Why Researchers Might Have a Legal Duty to Disclose Individual Research Findings to Research Subjects
Image: photogenic restaurant in Fayetteville, Arkansas -- Hugo's
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Law Day, Multi-Media -- Public Recognition -- entries must be postmarked by June 12, 2009 (and reflect May 1, 2009 Law Day Activities)
This blog entry is excerpted from the ABA Law Day web site and the Law Day Outstanding Activity Awards site:
Who Can Enter
All organizations conducting current year Law Day activities are eligible. This includes, but is not limited to, bar associations, courts, schools, law schools, universities, organizations, and community groups.
How to Enter
You can enter only by mail. (No fax or e-mail entries will be accepted this year.)
Please include five (5) copies of entire entry set (collated), including
1. Entry Form (signed original and four photocopies)
2. Activity Narrative (not to exceed 750 words) showing how the entry met each of the selection criteria
3. Supporting Materials if any, such as newspaper articles about your activity, letters of support and thanks, etc. (not to exceed 15 pages on 8 1/2"x 11" paper)
4. Work Products, if any, such as:
* videotaped mock trials or transcripts of original mock trials
* photos of school displays or exhibits of winning posters/photos
* handouts for the public and students
* posters and any other educational materials you have developed
Sorry, we can't return entries.
How Entries Are Judged
We judge entries on how the activity:
* expands public awareness of the rule of law;
* highlights this year's theme;
* reaches people;
* impacts media coverage;
* creates community partnerships and networking opportunities;
* projects quality and innovation;
* extends beyond Law Day with ongoing school or community activities)
Awards are given to entries in the three categories based on budget size for the Law Day program, as well as a category for law school students.
1. Budget less than $1,000.
2. Budget more than $1,000 but less than $5,000.
3. Budget greater than $5,000.
4. Law school students.
Entries must be postmarked by June 12, 2009 to be considered. Send five (5) collated copies of each entry set to:
Law Day Outstanding Activity Awards
ABA Division for Public Education
Mail Stop 20.2
321 N. Clark St.
Chicago, IL 60610
For information, call 312-988-5735.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Family Law -- Recognition, Potential Publication -- Essay Format -- March 27, 2009
Howard C. Schwab Memorial Essay Contest
from the competition announcement materials:
The subject may be any aspect of family law. The primary focus of each essay should be an issue of law, although some interdisciplinary material may be useful in addressing a legal issue. Since winning entries may be published in Family Law Quarterly, entrants are encouraged to write on subjects of national interest. Essays on such subjects usually include citations to the law of several jurisdictions. However, if the law in one state reflects a significant development or trend, that too could be an appropriate subject for an entry.
Essays should be limited to approximately 5,000 words (25 double-spaced, typewritten pages including footnotes). Longer essays will be judged unfavorably, and those longer than 28 pages will be disqualified. Essays scheduled to be published, and essays that have previously been published, are ineligible for consideration.
The essay format was selected to stimulate creativity of thought. Entries will be judged on the basis of originality, quality of analysis, quality of research, style and organization, and practicality and timeliness of subject. For more information, click: here
Previous essays are linked here. Titles of two of last year's winning essays include:
"Second Class Families: Interstate Recognition of Queer Adoption"
"Avoiding Round Two: The Inadequacy of Current Relocation Laws and a Proposed Solution"Sunday, January 4, 2009
Labor and Employment Law -- $1,500; $1,000; $500 -- May 15, 2009
Submissions are now being accepted for the 2009 College of Labor and Employment Lawyers Law Student Writing Competition.
TOPIC: The scope of permissible topics is broad, i.e., any aspect of public or private labor or employment law. Students are encouraged to present a:
* public policy issue,
* critique of a leading case or doctrine,
* comment on a statute or the need for a statutory modification,
* comment on a common law doctrine.
ELIGIBILITY: All currently enrolled undergraduate law students attending accredited law schools in the United States.
PRIZES: First prize - $1,500.00
Second prize - $1,000.00
Third prize - $500.00
In addition to a monetary award, the winner will have his/her article published with a future issue of the College newsletter and posted on the College's website. The Labor Lawyer, a journal of ideas and developments in labor and employment law, published by the American Bar Association and the Section of Labor and Employment Law, has indicated a strong desire to publish the winning entry, if it meets their publication standards. Winners will also be invited guests at the Annual Induction Dinner of the College where they will be recognized and honored during the evening program.
1. Articles must be original from the applicant. Each student entrant is limited to one entry; multiple entries by the same person are expressly prohibited. In addition, they must not presently be under consideration for any other publication or written as part of paid employment.
2. All articles are to be submitted in the following format:
o Typewritten, with computer disk attached, or submitted by email to (please reference "Writing Competition" in the subject line);
o Double-spaced;
o On 8 ½ inch by 11 inch paper, 1 inch margins;
o Entries should be between 10 and 20 pages in length (inclusive of endnotes)
o Citations are to conform to "A Uniform System of Citation" (The Bluebook)
3. All articles must be e-mailed no later than 5:00 PM (PDST) on May 15, 2009 or postmarked no later than May 15, 2009. Articles sent after that date will not be considered. Please send all submissions to: Susan Wan, Executive Director, The College of Labor & Employment Lawyers, 1050 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20036-5306.
4. If published by the College, the articles become the property of the College. No submitted article may be published elsewhere until after announcement of the winners of this competition. Announcement of the winners will be made at least 30 days in advance of the Annual Induction Dinner of the College to permit the winners to attend the Induction Dinner as guests of the College.
5. Include a cover letter with your entry stating your name, mailing address and phone number (both school and permanent), name of school and year of graduation.
6. Applicant must be currently enrolled in an accredited law school.
The evaluation standards will be organization, quality of research, depth, originality of analysis, clarity of style and readability. The College of Labor and Employment Lawyers reserves the right not to award and/or to reject any or all submissions.
image: wikipedia, Writers Guild strike (2007), in United States labor law.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Intellectual Property - $500 & publication, $200, subscription -- April 10, 2009
IDEA®: The Intellectual Property Law Review is proud to announce our Annual Student Intellectual Property Writing Competition. We are looking for original, publishable papers addressing compelling issues in intellectual property law.
The awards include:
- 1st prize - $500 and publication in IDEA®;
- 2nd prize - $200; and
- 3rd prize - A one-year subscription to IDEA®.
Competition Details
To be eligible for consideration, the paper must focus on intellectual property law and have been written solely by a student. Submissions should be double-spaced (except for footnotes, which should be single-spaced). The font size should be 12 point at a minimum. All margins should be one inch at a minimum. Students should follow the format presented in The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (18th ed.). Electronic submissions are strongly preferred, though paper submissions also will be accepted. The deadline for all submissions is Friday April 10, 2009.
Submissions or questions should be addressed to:
IDEA®: The Intellectual Property Law Review
ATTN: Lead Articles Editor
Franklin Pierce Law Center
Two White Street
Concord, NH 03301
Telephone: (603) 228-1541
Fax: (603) 228-0386
Competition website:
Previous Finalists
The following are the finalists for the 2007-2008 academic year:
1st Prize - David Simon, Chicago-Kent College of Law, 2008, Register Trademarks and Keep the Faith: Trademarks, Religion, and Identity2nd Prize - Frank Muller, Depaul University College of Law, 2008, Human Rights and the Moral Right of Textual Integrity: A Convergence
3rd Prize - Steve Johnston, William and Mary School of Law, 2009, Anything But Obvious: Interpreting the 'Obvious to Try' Maxim in the Chemical Arts
Image source: wikipedia on copyright
Friday, January 2, 2009
Grammy Foundation deadline is today
The Grammy Foundation competition's submission deadline is TODAY January 2nd and there is no postmarking to be done as this year’s submissions are all online. Papers are to be uploaded to
Loren Fishbein ׀ ׀ ׀ ׀
Domestic Violence; honorarium/publication; 05/31/09
1st Place: | Publication in the American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy & the Law Resolution from the ABA Commission on Domestic Violence and honorarium |
2nd Place: | Resolution from the ABA Commission on Domestic Violence and honorarium |
3rd Place: | Resolution from the ABA Commission on Domestic Violence and honorarium |
Competition flyer (pdf)
ABA Commission on Domestic Violence, Competition Web Site
2008 winners:
First Place: Amanda Jane Proctor, University of Mississippi School of Law
“Breaking Into the Marital Home to Break Up Domestic Violence: Fourth Amendment Analysis of ‘Disputed Permission’”
Second Place: Andrea Gittleman, New York University School of Law
“Drawing the Line: When to Apply Restorative Justice to Cases of Violence Against Women”
Third Place: Lisa Snead, University of Texas School of Law
“Domestic Violence Litigation in the Wake of Deshaney and Castle Rock”
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Professional Responsibility -- $5,000 and trip to Miami; problem format; Feb. 20, 2009 deadline
The contest is open to Young Lawyers Division [and] Law Student Division members of the ABA, in good standing as of February 15, 2009, according to the membership records of the Association.Young Lawyers Membership is open to all American Bar Association members under 36 years old or admitted to practice for five years or less.
The Assignment
The 2009 Contest Essay Hypothetical concerns the “At Issue Doctrine” relating to waiver of the attorney client privilege.
Essays should not exceed 3,000 words, including quoted matter and citations. Footnotes are not permitted and citations should be incorporated into the main text.***
Deadline for Submission:
*ONLINE entries MUST be submitted by 11:59 PM CST on February 20, 2009.
*MAILED entries MUST be postmarked by February 20, 2009.
* Cash award of $5,000.
* All expense paid trip to the Spring 2009 National Legal Malpractice Conference in Miami, FL, April 22-24.
The contest encourages original and innovative research and writing in the area of legal malpractice law, professional liability insurance and loss prevention.
The Bert W. Levit Essay Contest is conducted by the American Bar Association Standing Committee on Lawyers' Professional Liability and the San Francisco law firm of Long & Levit LLP. The 2009 contest is administered and judged by a subcommittee designated by the ABA Standing Committee on Lawyers' Professional Liability.
The Assignment
The 2009 Contest Essay Hypothetical concerns the “At Issue Doctrine” relating to waiver of the attorney client privilege.