I like the focus of Notre Dame's Journal of Legislation. I see an opportunity for those students who are political scientists, candidates and and policy makers. The Journal covers both state and federal statutory initiatives, as well as administrative rules.
I repeat below material from the Journal of Legislation's web site:
The Journal of Legislation is a semiannual publication by students at Notre Dame Law School. The Journal is a law review that focuses on statutory, regulatory, and public policy issues rather than on case law. The Journal believes in the open debate of all political ideologies and philosophical points of view. Therefore, the Journal has traditionally solicited legislators, judges, administrators, and prominent attorneys, as well as scholars and recognized experts from beyond the legal arena. The Journal publishes articles, legislative reform pieces, essays (scholarly editorials), book reviews and student notes.
Manuscripts submitted for publication should be typewritten on 8 1/2" x 11" paper and should be double-spaced. Authors should submit articles using Microsoft Word formatting. Footnotes should conform to A Uniform System of Citation (17th ed. 2000). Citations using large and small caps (e.g., law reviews, books, titles, etc.) should appear in bold with upper and lower case letters. A paragraph on the title page should provide the author’s current occupation, position, and educational background.
Decisions on publications are typically made within four weeks of a manuscript’s receipt. The Journal accepts submissions on a rolling basis. Most article selections for an issue are made two to six months prior to publication. Thus, to be considered for publication in the Spring issue, please send your manuscript between September and February; to be considered for our Fall issue, please submit your article between March and August.
Student editors edit articles accepted for publication, and the Journal submits editorial changes to the author for approval before publication. The Journal reserves the right of final decision concerning all manuscript changes. When an article is approved for publication, the Journal will request that the author assign the copyright for the manuscript to the Journal to comply with the copyright laws of the United States.
Manuscripts should be submitted to:
Journal of Legislation
Notre Dame Law School
Notre Dame, Indiana 46556
Phone: (574) 631-5918
Email: ndjleg@nd.edu
Submissions by email are also welcome.
Image: wikipedia, U.S. Congress