(from advance notice to E-mail distribution list):
The Health Care Industry Council is hosting a graduate student panel at the 62nd Annual LERA meeting on Saturday January 2nd, 2010 at 3pm.
We are seeking submissions of papers that address any aspect of healthcare work or the healthcare industry. The HCIC will award a best paper prize for the best graduate student paper on this panel. Please submit full papers of no more than 10,000 words to dana.weinberg@qc.cuny.edu and givan@cornell.edu by November 1st. Panelists will be selected and notified by November 15th.
Please contact Rebecca Givan givan@cornell.edu or Dana Weinberg dana.weinberg@qc.cuny.edu with questions.
Rebecca Givan
Assistant Professor
Cornell University, ILR School
365 Ives Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853
(607) 255 1439
Image: wikipedia, from Health Care entry, to: The Red Cross and the Red Crescent emblems at the museum in Geneva. Soon (2005/06), the Red Crystal emblem should join them.