Original Student Article or Paper on events or issues in the field of ADR in November 2008 - October 2009. Articles must be published in 2009; outstanding papers prepared for courses requiring papers as substantial part of grade must be recommended for submission by professor.
DEADLINE: Friday, OCTOBER 30, 2009
Send entries to:
Anne C. Ferguson
Awards Administrator
CPR Awards Program
International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution
575 Lexington Avenue, 21st Floor
New York, NY 10022
Entries may also be sent as electronic files (pdf or Word) to aferguson@cpradr.org.
In 2009, the focus is on processes, techniques, systems, commitment and scholarship, which address the resolution, prevention or creative management of major disputes involving public or business institutions, such as those between corporations, between government and corporations, or among multiple parties.
ADR innovations in other areas, such as domestic relations or juvenile justice, are outside the parameters of this competition.
The Call for Entries and Nominations email is sent to Academic institutions and CPR Members in September each year for products that have been published that year or taught during the prior academic period, and entries are welcome until the deadline of Friday, October 30. The Award Winners are announced at the CPR Annual Meeting in January the following year.
To develop a better understanding of the kind of achievement and written work of most interest, we recommend your review of past Awards Program winners on this web site.
More information and links to information about prior awards: here
Hat tip: University of Idaho Competitions page
Image: Will Simpson Butterflies