Thursday, February 26, 2009
Public Investors Arbitration; August 17, 2009; $1,000 and publication; $750; $500
James E. Beckley Writing Compeition
For students interested in Securities Arbitration and Securities Law. Sponsored by the Public Investors Arbitration Bar Association ("IABA").
Deadline of August 17, 2009
Prizes: $1,000 and publication (first place)
$750 & $500 and potential publication (second and third place)
Excerpted from the competition flyer (pdf):
Full-time students who attend law school or write a relevant paper in conjunction with a law school class are eligible to participate.
Submissions should focus on any aspect of Securities law; Securities arbitration; The Federal Arbitration Act, Title 9, US Code, Section 1-14, or the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority's Code of Arbitration, effective April 16, 2007 and any changes or proposed changes to that Code. The writing can be based in theory or practice, but should ultimately advocate a position on the topic area chosen.
Image, Van Gogh's Vase with Twelve Sunflowers, from Wikipedia.