This competition just came to my attention, when I was browsing the writing competition site maintained at the University of Oregon.
The deadline is December 31, 2008 for this year's Swope anti-trust competition which features a generous first place prize of $10,000. As a practical matter, blog readers who already have completed an article covering an anti-trust issue are the only blog readers who are still in the running for this year's competition. For other readers, consider next year! Also, remember to check the writing competition sites in the side bar to this blog, to identify competitions that may not have come to my attention yet.
William E. Swope Antitrust Writing Prize
Washington - The international law firm Jones Day announced that entries for the $10,000 William E. Swope Antitrust Writing Prize will be accepted until December 31, 2008.
The competition, which honors former Antitrust Division official and Jones Day partner Bill Swope's pioneering ability to clarify abstract and complex issues, is open to students currently enrolled in full- or part-time juris doctorate or more advanced degree programs at U.S. law schools accredited by AALS and non-U.S. schools of equivalent standing, to current judicial clerks who have graduated from such programs, and to practicing lawyers who graduated from such degree programs in May 2003 or later.
One $10,000 prize and two $1,500 honorable mention prizes will be awarded. Winners will attend the 2009 Spring Meeting of the American Bar Association Antitrust Section in Washington as guests of Jones Day and will be guests of honor at a Firm reception.
Judges will be looking for work that demonstrates the application of practical analysis to antitrust problems. Eligible papers will also be judged on quality of research, writing, and scholarship; originality; practicality; and relevance to the understanding and application of antitrust law and policy.
Papers must be the product of a single author's original thought and scholarship. Their length should be appropriate to the subject matter being addressed and must not exceed 15,000 words, including footnotes. Papers used for academic credit or submitted to law reviews or other journals are permitted, but they must have been submitted or published no earlier than than one year prior to the December 31, 2008 deadline. An individual may submit only one entry.
The first page of each submission should include the paper's title, the author's full contact information, and an abstract of approximately 100 words. If the paper or a version of the paper was previously published, submitted for publication, or written for a course, details should be provided.
Papers should be submitted electronically to SwopePrize@jonesday.com. Entrants should attach the paper in Word, Word-Perfect, or PDF format and include full contact information in the body of the e-mail as well as on the attachment's title page. Receipt will be acknowledged by return e-mail. Winners will be notified on March 2, 2009.
For more information, click: here.
Image: Queen Elizabeth I, from Wikipedia. For Elizabeth I's approach to anti-trust law in a global economy, see the wiki article: Antitrust, Renaissance Developments.