Tuesday, November 24, 2009

ABA Writing Competitions -- $100,000 @ year distributed among 100+ awards

Today, my dean, Cynthia Nance, at the University of Arkansas School of Law, forwarded me the url to the American Bar Associations' many writing competitions. It's a good time to highlight this updated list of excellent competitions.

From the ABA's writing competition web site:
Did you know the ABA presents over 100 awards and distributes over $100,000 in awards and grants each year? Over 20 of these awards and grants have been specifically designed for law schools or law students, including writing competitions and fellowships. Don’t miss the opportunity to gain recognition for your accomplishments, that of your law school or student organization.
Image: wikipedia, Van Gogh's irises

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Law of the World Trade Organization; January 8, 2010 -- $500 and publication, $200, $100

The Richmond Journal of Global Law and Business
is proud to announce the Second Annual
Daniel T. Murphy Student Writing Competition

The Daniel T. Murphy Student Writing Competition is open to any J.D. candidate student at an ABA accredited law school and is intended to foster knowledge and scholarly work by students on specific areas of the Law of the WTO. The competition is named for Professor Daniel T. Murphy who has been with the University of Richmond School of Law since 1976. As the cornerstone of international law at Richmond, the Richmond Journal of Global Law and Business chose to name this competition after him to honor the years of extraordinary work and dedication he has put forth to the students, the school, and our Journal.

The topic of this year’s competition is WTO Treatment of Developed and Developing Countries.
All entries must pertain to timely legal issues concerning developed and/or developing countries and the WTO. Authors are expected to strongly include and analyze the topic material within their written work. Entries deemed to be lacking topical substance will not be considered.

1st place: $500.00 Cash award and publication in the Richmond Journal of Global Law and Business’s Annual Survey of the Law of the WTO
2nd place: $200.00 Cash award
3rd place: $100.00 Cash award

Submission Procedure
1) All interested students must email RJGLBAnnualSurvey@richmond.edu by Monday, January 4, 2010 to request an anonymous submission number.
Please place "Anonymous Number Request" in the email subject line.

2) Students must mail two (2) copies of their submission to:
Richmond Journal of Global Law and Business Annual Survey
University of Richmond School of Law--Office 318
28 Westhampton Way
University of Richmond, VA 23173

3) Students who attend the University of Richmond School of Law may choose to physically submit their work to a drop box which will be located outside the Richmond Journal of Global Law and Business office (Room 318) for the week leading up to the due date. Any submission prior to that may be placed in the DU Folder of Lindsay Jefferies (3L). All other submission procedures must be followed.

4) Each submission must contain a cover page containing the anonymous number of the author. The Anonymous number must also be included on each page of the submission.

DO NOT place your name or school anywhere on the submission.

5) Entries must be postmarked by Friday, January 8th, 2010.

All submitted entries will be required to adhere to the following guidelines:
1) All law students of an ABA accredited law school are eligible. Students must be pursuing a J.D. degree; LL.M. applicants will not be considered.
2) Entries which have been submitted to a class are acceptable; however, any such entry must not have been edited by a professor or other teaching assistant.
3) Co-authorship is acceptable. All authors must be jointly identified when requesting an anonymous number. Any alteration to the authorship must be given to the Managing Editor.
4) All entries must be between 20 and 30 pages in length (including citations), double spaced, and must be the original, unpublished academic work of the person submitting the entry.

5) All entries must be in 12 point Times New Roman font and must have default 1 inch margins all around.
6) Pages must be numbered.
7) Citations must be in footnote format and be in accordance with the rules of The Bluebook, A Uniform System of Citation, Eighteenth Edition.
8) The Richmond Journal of Global Law and Business reserves the right to decline to publish any submitted entry, and also reserves the right to publish more than one submitted entry.
9) Entries postmarked/submitted after Friday, January 8th, 2010 will not be considered.

This information can also be viewed on the Annual Survey webpage
Lindsay Jefferies
Managing Editor
Richmond Journal of Global Law and Business
T.C. Williams School of Law


Image: wikipedia, John Maynard Keyes and Harry Dexter White, at the Bretton Woods Conference (1947)

Monday, November 16, 2009

2010 Levit Essay Contest - Legal Ethics Hypothetical - $5,000 - February 19, 2010

2010 Levit Essay Contest - Legal Ethics Hypothetical - $5,000 - February 19, 2010

Essay contest hypothetical and contest rules: here

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Transnational Economic Law; $2,000 and publication; February 1, 2010

Transnational Economic Law; $2,000; February 1, 2010

Competition Rules: here

Image: wikipedia, General Electric Neon Sign

General Electric tops the 2009 Forbes Global 2000 list of multinational corporations.

The Trandafir International Business Writing Competition is open to all graduate and law students who write on "any topic of contemporary international business or economic concern with a legal nexus." Essays may not exceed 50 double-spaced pages and are due on February 1, 2010, 5:00 p.m. U.S. Central Standard Time. Electronic submissions to law-trandafir@iowa.uiowa.edu

The winning essay will be published in the University of Iowa Journal of Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems. This journal focuses on a range of public and private international law issues. See the range of topics: here.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Federal Tax Law 20-30 pages; January 15, 2010 deadline; $2,000 plus travel to D.C. in March 2010

Federal Tax Law 20-30 pages; January 15, 2010 deadline; $2,000 plus travel to D.C. in March 2010

From the pdf flyer sent to law school deans (images of the pdf flyer appear at the bottom of this post):

Papers must be a minimum of twenty pages and a maximum of thirty pages (double spaced, twelvepoint font, and one-inch margins) and must be postmarked or e-mailed by January 15, 2010. Additionally, each student must sign and return the attached warranty (a .pdf copy by e-mail is acceptable). If mailing submissions, please use the following address:

Federal Bar Association
Section on Taxation
Attn: Writing Competition
1220 N. Fillmore Street, Suite 444
Arlington, VA 22201

If e-mailing submissions, please e-mail to Adrienne Woolley at awoolley@fedbar.org, with the subject line “Writing Competition.”

Two winning papers will be selected by the Officers of the Federal Bar Association Section on Taxation.

The 2009 winners are posted on the Federal Bar Association's Section on Taxation's web site. Below appears the information about the honorable mention from 2009:

Tax Writing Contest

2009 Writing Competition Results
The FBA Section on Taxation is pleased to announce the winners of the 2009 Writing Competition. This year there were three papers of very high quality, and the judges added an Honorable Mention category.

Honorable Mention is awarded to William Joseph Mills, a third-year student at the University of Illinois in Champaign. Mr. Mill's paper entitled, "Inspiring Green Car Sales: What Deserves the Credit" provides an insightful look at whether tax credits for green cars have a positive impact on sales. He concludes that other factors, such as gas prices and car quality, have a larger impact than tax credits. Mr. Mills will receive a $350 prize and a commemorative plaque.
Honorable Mention winning paper

Image: U.S. Constitution, from Wikipedia